Textbook Online Resources Access Time Frame

Using the login credentials written on the front inside cover of the textbook, users may access online resources and self-assessments aligned with the textbook content. This access is time-restricted, beginning from the date on which the login credentials are first used to login to our Learning Content Management System.

The following PanGlobal textbooks include access to our online resources and self-assessments:

Canadian Products

2nd Class (Edition 2.5)

  • Part A1 – 6 months (183 days)
  • Part A2 – 6 months (183 days)
  • Part A3 – 6 months (183 days)
  • Part B1 – 6 months (183 days)
  • Part B2 – 6 months (183 days)
  • Part B3 – 6 months (183 days)

3rd Class (Edition 3)

  • Part A – 12 months (365 days)
  • Part B – 12 months (365 days)

4th Class (Edition 3.5)

  • Part A – 12 months (365 days)
  • Part B – 12 months (365 days)

5th Class (Edition 3.5)

  • Textbook Set – 12 months (365 days)

Refrigeration Plant Operator (Edition 4)

  • Textbook Set – 12 months (365 days)

Limited Power Engineer (Fireman) Handbook (Edition 2.0)

  • Textbook Set – 12 months (365 days)

USA/International Products

Advanced Power Engineering Concepts (Edition 2.0)

  • Textbook Set – 16 months (487 days)

Essentials of Power Engineering (Edition 2.0)

  • Textbook Set – 16 months (487 days)

High Pressure Power Engineering (Edition 2.0)

  • Textbook Set – 12 months (365 days)

These are the standard access periods for PanGlobal’s textbooks. Users registered in a College Unique Learning Site may be subject to differing access times, and should contact their College program’s Course Administrator for more information.

To ensure the online resources match current revisions of our textbooks, textbook profiles must be first accessed within 3 years of the textbook purchase date. Textbook profiles which have not been accessed within 3 years of the purchase date are stale-dated and automatically removed from our Learning Content Management Systems.