8-Adding the Summary is the Last Thing to Add to Any Lesson

At the end of each lesson, add a lesson summary. The length of the summary typically depends on the length of the original text. We can use any of the following options for the summary:

for any summary section we need to add 3 blocks :

A- header which is basically [Text on Image Rise360 block] ,and you can choose any related image for the background.

B- choose which type of summary to use ( text , scenario , knowledge check )
We can use the Scenario Block to summarize the lesson, but it requires a well-defined scenario to address all the main points in the course summary. This collaboration should involve you and the SME.

c- Lesson end button (use Divider block).

Quizzes generally count toward the final score, while knowledge checks do not. We have four types of knowledge checks that can be used to address all the lesson summary points.